Introduction of Lisa Anne Godin, GALery Home Studio In-House Artist and Owner

Introduction of Lisa Anne Godin, GALery Home Studio In-House Artist and Owner

I'm so thrilled to meet our clients and so appreciate your curiosity and hopefully your patronage. 

I am a businesswoman who spent most of my life in technology, primarily as a Project Executive for software implementations.  Although I worked long hours, I spent all my free time creating.  I love interior design, fashion design, landscaping and cooking.  Like my mother and my mother's mother, we love color, texture, artisanship, beautiful surroundings and objects.  I started at a young age going with my mother to local art shows, antique fairs and shops and looking for inexpensive pieces to beautify.  My mother had an eye for color and items with good bones.  We would take them home, clean and scrape and then start making them beautiful.  We would also look for vibrant, original, joyful art with a hint of nostalgia or whimsy.  Something that tugged at your soul, if you didn't buy it. You would be thinking about it for weeks to come.  That started my art collecting which led to my curiosity into painting. 

I have thought about taking painting classes for years.  Finally, I said what am I waiting for and bought some supplies and a book on painting flowers and started.  I was hooked immediately.  I completely lose time when painting, it is a complete Zen activity.  I typically start with an idea of what I want to paint and sketch it out.  From there it is all about color, form and texture.  I'm looking for a happy or dreamy subject that has whimsy, makes me smile or fills the soul with contentment.  When that happens, I know I'm headed in the right direction. Ultimately, I'm creating art that I want to hang on my walls, enhancing my home's beauty and bringing me joy.

Whenever I daydream, I have always dreamed of owning a store with beautiful furniture and home goods, clothing and gifts and especially art.  As I looked around at the next chapter of my life I wanted something that allowed me to spend more time creating art and less time in the corporate world.  My father (and now business partner) Edward Godin pushed me to move forward with my art and creating a store.  I told him and my closest friends, about my crazy dream, and with all of their encouragement and support GALery Home Studio was created.

Please feel free to ask me any questions or share what you like about my paintings or style.

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