GALery Home Studio first Blog

GALery Home Studio first Blog

Hello Gal Pals.  I don't know about you, but I'm constantly seeing things in the world or online that I love or at least I find interesting.  I often share these "finds" with my friends and family.  When I began to take my dream of creating an online gallery and home goods & gift shop from dream to reality one of the must-haves was to share with my followers/subscribers my "finds".  

This blog is your one-stop shop for one-of-a-kind, beautiful, artistic and/or helpful goods.  As I find those items that fit our brand (unique, beautiful, artistic, joyful or vibrant) I will share here with all of you.  I encourage you to share with this group of friends through comments any items you find that fit the bill.  I also encourage you to share if you already own or have purchased these goods and how they look or work in your home.

Here's my first "find":  I saw this on insta the other day and I was blown away.  I've never seen door handles this unique, this artistic this beautiful.  My pics of their insta video does not do them justice so check out on Instagram @coppercorners and let me know what you think.  I do believe they were custom so reproducing them may be following the course that the designer took.

If you want to receive my blog when published please subscribe on, until the next find.....


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